Tuesday, April 29, 2014

India Digital Marketing Annual Report for year 2014

With the successful completion of digital marketing survey “Kenscio Motto 2014” conducted earlier in this year, Kenscio has released an insightful, strategically analysed full length report based on the participant marketers’ responses. Titled “Futuristic Digital Marketing in India”, this report attempts to provide a comprehensive compilation of thought-provoking and action oriented insights for digital marketers.

The survey was based on a set of market-centric inputs derived from Kenscio’s vast experience of serving the digital direct marketing industry in India. After compiling and analysing the responses gathered from more than 250 marketing professionals, many surprising findings popped up out showing significant consistencies and patterns in strategic level of thoughts across industries.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Real time, Contextual, Agile email marketing with live content in email campaigns

There is a lot of news today about email marketing campaigns which can deliver content live from websites and social media based on the recipient behaviour at the time of opening the email, location and device. Delivering such live content in real time and context provides exciting and engaging opportunities for marketers to connect with the recipients and drive them towards further actions.
With such engaging campaigns with live contextual real-time content in email, marketers are seeing higher CTR (click through rate is a measure of clicks generated over the impressions served). As the ROI is a direct measure of CTR, higher CTR will result in higher clicks for the same number of impressions.
From a simple count down or count up timer to drive urgency in recipients, to much more engaging real time or dynamic offers based on recipient behaviour, the email marketing is becoming is much agile in nature rather than static personalisation at the time of sending email.
Recommendations of the products based on location, weather, or offer on the site coupled with recipient behaviour is a much higher value proposition for marketers based on history of all aspects of the recipient data.  Earlier this was possible directly on the web, instead on email owing to complications in serving dynamic content in email.  Several companies are able to deliver this now, including Kenscio.
- See more at: http://kenscio.com/blog/2014/02/27/real-time-contextual-agile-email-marketing-with-live-content-in-campaigns/#sthash.koCyybCb.dpuf

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mobile email marketing Optimization Best Practices

Mobile devices have been increasingly becoming popular for both email and web consumption. In India, Mobile devices represent 62% of web consumption this month; an increase of 15% since the beginning of this year (Source: StatCounter).
Mobile Vs Desktop - Content Consumption 2013 graph
In one of our own recent studies, we explored the market share for various devices when it comes to checking emails. Based on sample data, we discovered mobile devices to contribute to 43% of email opens in India.
Hence, it’s a no brainer to optimize (or start optimizing) email for mobile devices. While the task may seem daunting to some, we assure you that the rewards in form of better customer engagement will make it worth your efforts.
- See more at: http://kenscio.com/blog/tag/best-practices/#sthash.QH5H5Ix1.dpuf

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Real time, Contextual, Agile email marketing with live content in campaigns

There is a lot of news today about email marketing campaigns which can deliver content live from websites and social media based on the recipient behaviour at the time of opening the email, location and device. Delivering such live content in real time and context provides exciting and engaging opportunities for marketers to connect with the recipients and drive them towards further actions.
With such engaging campaigns with live contextual real-time content in email, marketers are seeing higher CTR (click through rate is a measure of clicks generated over the impressions served). As the ROI is a direct measure of CTR, higher CTR will result in higher clicks for the same number of impressions.
- See more at: http://kenscio.com/blog/2014/02/27/real-time-contextual-agile-email-marketing-with-live-content-in-campaigns/#sthash.I3V5nQ2Z.dpuf

Monday, April 7, 2014

The all new Pinterest inspired Gmail’s Promotion Tab

Yes, you read that right! Gmail is reportedly making changes under the hood to transform the traditional looking rows of emails, with a sweet looking grid of images. This change only comes for the Promotions Tab, and this is what Gmail has posted in it’s official blog:
“Promotional mail has a lot of images, from pictures of snazzy new shoes to photos of that rock-climbing gym you’ve been wanting to try. But right now, those images are buried inside your messages—and with only subject lines to go on, it can be a challenge to quickly pick out the deals and offers that interest you most. To help you find what you’re looking for faster, you can now sign up for a new field trial for Gmail that lets you view the Promotions tab in a more visual way.”
- See more at: http://kenscio.com/blog/2014/03/26/the-all-new-pintrest-inspired-gmails-promotion-tab/#sthash.RBcX6rsu.dpuf

Cricket Fever with Kenscio’s Thermometer!

Zillions of crazy Indian cricket fans were winding up their work in a Jiffy to cheer up their heroes, while we @ Kenscio were busy in developing a count-down timer in an e-mail communication to be sent by Star Sports (We call it Intimate Communication) which gives them a goose-bump with a ticking clock asking them to go home early.

With this they did not require their wife, husband, friends & families to give them a reminder. Along with Star Sports, Kenscio have done this task for them like one of their close acquaintances. We understand the urgency and we make it fine-tuned too.

See more at: http://kenscio.com/blog/2014/04/04/personalised-emails-for-cricket-fans/#sthash.5wHDFa7s.dpuf