Monday, December 15, 2008

Marketing for Corporate Training

Running training like a business implies marketing training like a business. But a recent study of 75 training leaders by expertus reports that a minority of corporate training departments have written or formal marketing plans, budgets or promotions that go beyond general awareness of their courses. This study reveals what those with more sophisticated marketing do to target their audience and measure their reach, and which marketing activities they find to be most effective and favorably-received by employees.

Email blasts have been the most effective marketing activity followed closely by phone calls and recommendations.

Not surprisingly, print newsletters and mail are at the bottom of the list, which seems to be a direct result of the increased reliance on email and websites. In fact, anything that requires paper or printing is at the bottom half of the list.

Aghreni Technologies is an offshore provider of email and mobile marketing automation solutions and services to clients in India and world-wide. Some of the best global companies utilise the depth and breadth of marketing automation software, solutions and services of Aghreni.

1 comment:

Natasha Williams said...

Since you have spoken about the importance of marketing training internally and more specifically the usage of email marketing to support it, i though i would share an article by Expertus which speaks about the same issue and its importance. the author also tenders tips to make the internal marketing of training more effective and efficient. might be of use to many. Here it is: